The View: Lindsay Lohan – Saturday Night Live

Subscribe to SaturdayNightLive: Celebrity Impressions: SEASON 36: Talk Shows: The ladies discuss bullying, Halloween.

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25 Responses

  1. IpodMute says:

    Emma Stone sucks. She looks skeletal nowadays. Remember when she actually
    used to look somewhat attractive in Easy A and Zombieland? As usual she
    fell into the trap of bleaching her hair and eating lettuce.?

  2. We The People says:

    Emma looked fine as hell here.
    But that wasn’t a Lindsay Lohan impression.?

  3. Alexfolledemoi says:

    Kristen wiig is one of the only good thing in snl parodies?

  4. axelle32 says:

    Kristin Wiig so brilliant, this is one of the best impression I have ever
    seen. How does she get her voice to sound EXACTLY like Hasselbeck’s?!?

  5. David Boubion says:

    OMG!! Whoopi Goldberg!! Lol!!!?

  6. Jonida Sanço says:

    This is one of my favorite SNL segments. Actually, it’s the best SNL

  7. Himiko Kobayashii says:

    Didn’t Penny say the exact same line about that one Irish kid in the Big
    Bang Theory??

  8. joose pajunen says:

    that one blonde woman sounds like amy adams?

  9. Sibongile Thango says:

    the characters are spot on?

  10. crossbowqueen says:

    “Oh my god thank you, thank you..oh god I don’t remember filming that
    movie.” HAHAHHAHAHA that cracked me up.?

  11. Jesse Pretorius says:

    Doodi MacGoup?

  12. NTRSANDMAN says:

    Emma ?????

  13. funnycat109 says:
  14. Jake Swiss says:

    Emma looks so much like Mila Kunis.?

  15. Joshua Bautista says:

    emma stone haha?

  16. DarkBungleX says:

    That was a flop?

  17. 2manysecrets says:

    Funny..great impersonations. ?

  18. Georgette Abernethy says:

    Kristen Wiig along with Tina Fey and Amy Poheler are the only funny people
    on SNL?

  19. Axeljump says:

    LOL I like at 01:12, to can tell she is about to lose it! ?

  20. ribbit27 says:

    the man-lady is fckin hilarious >.<?

  21. JustDreamingLife says:

    omg she looks so good with long hair!?

  22. Amitesh Kulkarni says:

    isn’t that Emma Stone… She might get in trouble making fun of Lindsey
    because they both are in Hollywood if they bump into each other I don’t
    think it would be pretty.?

  23. Daniel P says:

    “…and watch shows about whales, that’s what I do” Omg lol.?

  24. Dutch Van Helsing says:

    Who is doin BabbaWawwa please ??

  25. Daniel P says:

    Wiggs Hasselback impression is spot on.?