The View: Lindsay Lohan – Saturday Night Live

Subscribe to SaturdayNightLive: Celebrity Impressions: SEASON 36: Talk Shows: The ladies discuss bullying, Halloween.

25 thoughts on “The View: Lindsay Lohan – Saturday Night Live

  1. IpodMute

    Emma Stone sucks. She looks skeletal nowadays. Remember when she actually
    used to look somewhat attractive in Easy A and Zombieland? As usual she
    fell into the trap of bleaching her hair and eating lettuce.?

  2. axelle32

    Kristin Wiig so brilliant, this is one of the best impression I have ever
    seen. How does she get her voice to sound EXACTLY like Hasselbeck’s?!?

  3. Amitesh Kulkarni

    isn’t that Emma Stone… She might get in trouble making fun of Lindsey
    because they both are in Hollywood if they bump into each other I don’t
    think it would be pretty.?

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