Emma Stone sucks. She looks skeletal nowadays. Remember when she actually
used to look somewhat attractive in Easy A and Zombieland? As usual she
fell into the trap of bleaching her hair and eating lettuce.?
isn’t that Emma Stone… She might get in trouble making fun of Lindsey
because they both are in Hollywood if they bump into each other I don’t
think it would be pretty.?
Emma Stone sucks. She looks skeletal nowadays. Remember when she actually
used to look somewhat attractive in Easy A and Zombieland? As usual she
fell into the trap of bleaching her hair and eating lettuce.?
Emma looked fine as hell here.
But that wasn’t a Lindsay Lohan impression.?
Kristen wiig is one of the only good thing in snl parodies?
Kristin Wiig so brilliant, this is one of the best impression I have ever
seen. How does she get her voice to sound EXACTLY like Hasselbeck’s?!?
OMG!! Whoopi Goldberg!! Lol!!!?
This is one of my favorite SNL segments. Actually, it’s the best SNL
Didn’t Penny say the exact same line about that one Irish kid in the Big
Bang Theory??
that one blonde woman sounds like amy adams?
the characters are spot on?
“Oh my god thank you, thank you..oh god I don’t remember filming that
movie.” HAHAHHAHAHA that cracked me up.?
Doodi MacGoup?
Emma ?????
Emma looks so much like Mila Kunis.?
emma stone haha?
That was a flop?
Funny..great impersonations. ?
Kristen Wiig along with Tina Fey and Amy Poheler are the only funny people
on SNL?
LOL I like at 01:12, to can tell she is about to lose it! ?
the man-lady is fckin hilarious >.<?
omg she looks so good with long hair!?
isn’t that Emma Stone… She might get in trouble making fun of Lindsey
because they both are in Hollywood if they bump into each other I don’t
think it would be pretty.?
“…and watch shows about whales, that’s what I do” Omg lol.?
Who is doin BabbaWawwa please ??
Wiggs Hasselback impression is spot on.?