The Parent Trap – Bad To The Bone

A piece of disney’s movie “The Parent Trap (Juego de Gemelas) In this scene, Annie James is playing poker and wining every time. then appears Halle Parker (her twin) to make fun of her We can hear the song “Bad To The Bone” of George Thorogood and The Destroyers wen Hallie (Lindsay Lohan) appears. … lindsay lohan nude pàrent trap disney juego gemelas movie bad to the bone george thorogood poker play bet humor comedy

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25 Responses

  1. pittpens10562 says:

    your welcome captain ass hole

  2. sharktankstudio says:

    thank you, captain obvious.

  3. shmoopie says:

    ah this movie is so great

  4. Studjeff4 says:

    show the part where she gets revenge

  5. pittpens10562 says:

    there is only 4 aces in one pack

  6. Killingdyl says:

    it would have been funnier if it was like the end of a step by step episode.

    “4 ACES”
    “oh ya? well i have 5 ACES!”

  7. pittpens10562 says:

    royal flush!!!!!!!! wow if annie got quad aces that would have been amazing!!!!!!!!! like that time justin phillips got a royal flush and that other guy got quad aces!!!!!!! JUSTIN PHILLIPS RULES!!!!!!!!

  8. azzahraharahap says:


  9. eddie3612 says:

    Wats so good about natasha is she died a few weeks ago 🙁

  10. cmpuck09 says:

    bad to the bone nanananana bad to the bone aswsame song

  11. Joemamma69000 says:

    what’s so great about “Natasha”? was she the only thing in this movie that people cared about? not saying she’s bad or anything. (i also saw this movie yesterday XD)

  12. ZAMORA142 says:

    i saw this movie three years ago! & i love it! im 16 now.

  13. embarassingbetter says:


  14. NobodysangelA08 says:

    “in your honor, a royal flush”
    one of my fave lines in the movie. haha. her face and the music is so funny.

  15. TennisChamp59 says:

    RIP Natasha

  16. team1200 says:

    RIP Natasha, gone but never forgotten

  17. rudypen1216 says:

    This movie sucks erection big time!!!

  18. LoveOceanForever says:

    That was absolutely funny.

  19. kimberlyWTFLOL says:

    its lindsay lohan
    HAHhahahahahah SNAP

  20. miniview says:

    whoever hasn’t seen this movie has to watch it! it’s been my favorite movie since i was 12 and i’m 22!

  21. XXXhentailoverXXX says:

    its easy

  22. loverof23 says:

    how can anyone have the guts to go naked in front of ppl?

  23. fakefairyfarts says:

    love this movie sooo much!!!!

  24. XxDreamqueenxX says:

    lol i loved this part in the movie xD

  25. subzerogrowl says:

    That movie was the greatest of all.

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