The Parent Trap – Bad To The Bone

A piece of disney’s movie “The Parent Trap (Juego de Gemelas) In this scene, Annie James is playing poker and wining every time. then appears Halle Parker (her twin) to make fun of her We can hear the song “Bad To The Bone” of George Thorogood and The Destroyers wen Hallie (Lindsay Lohan) appears. … lindsay lohan nude pàrent trap disney juego gemelas movie bad to the bone george thorogood poker play bet humor comedy

25 thoughts on “The Parent Trap – Bad To The Bone

  1. pittpens10562

    royal flush!!!!!!!! wow if annie got quad aces that would have been amazing!!!!!!!!! like that time justin phillips got a royal flush and that other guy got quad aces!!!!!!! JUSTIN PHILLIPS RULES!!!!!!!!

  2. Joemamma69000

    what’s so great about “Natasha”? was she the only thing in this movie that people cared about? not saying she’s bad or anything. (i also saw this movie yesterday XD)

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