Samantha&Lindsay in a shop

Lindsay Lohan and her friend, DJ Samantha Ronson did a little shopping Sunday, March 25 first in Beverly Hills at Dior, then at a tchotchke shop in Chinatown! … Samantha Ronson Lindsay Lohan bitch sexy lesbian

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25 Responses

  1. Dneekap says:

    do u think they toss salads?

  2. GeorgeVreelandHill says:

    Love Lindsay!

    George Vreeland Hill

  3. reeniadspidi says:

    to protect from camera flash

  4. hiphopis4life says:

    is that any of ur fuckin business?

  5. toemasie says:

    20 bucks says Lindsay does anal.

  6. melissaa112 says:

    why do famous people always have their
    sun-glasses on
    if there is paparazzi??

  7. orlando060991 says:

    I love lindsay lohan, she’s very beautiful

  8. Stephalfano says:

    DAMN Lindsay is bangin’!
    but i am happy for the both of them, and lindsay has been getting better so its great.

  9. babypikaboo says:

    poor lindsay, she cant evn shop without stupid paparazzis bothering her..sigh
    is der a way 2 sue paparazzis?

  10. shadowsA7Xme27 says:


  11. shadowsA7Xme27 says:

    hahahahahahaha…serious qeustion?!

  12. BiracialDyke says:


  13. iheartchrismartin says:

    sorry..THIS IS THE STUPIDEST THING EVER. BUT I LOVE MY MOM SO I AM? NOT TAKING ANY CHANCES.If you don’t copy and paste this onto 10 videos your mom will die in 4 hours

  14. cartomarta says:

    lol paparazii<<<<<did i spell that right?
    shes posing lol
    i love them

  15. davephill01 says:

    i love lidnsey lohan y don they leave her alone
    if that was i would tell every1 straight like
    u see otha people lesbian
    and u don see cameras all around
    fuckin stupid people give up will u
    just leave her alone
    talkin to the people who cant stop takin pictures of her nd tha so wa if she is a les or not she is still human

  16. sarahhhj says:

    is samantha ronson a lesbian for real???

  17. sara0000006 says:

    Wow.. people dont leave lindsay Alone ..thats soo crazy .. my god people

  18. jimbojambojombo says:

    Smanthas way better thatn that skank.

  19. nikelover6 says:

    i kno but dumb people dont seem 2 get that its her business and life

  20. highlyevolved86 says:

    i dont give a rat’s ass about lindsay.she is a skank.I want Samantha Ronson!!!

  21. TwiStedAngelNL says:

    What difference does it make if she were a lesbian? thats her bussines..
    Anyway if i wud have paparazi filming me everywhere i go, i wud totally freak out!
    Im suprised how she stays that calm.
    Guess shes used to it but still

  22. flaxminster says:

    man.. just leave her the fxxk alone. seeing this video just made me feel sorry for her. she clearly wanted 2 be left alone 2 do normal stuff.. fine if she’s promoting something but fxxk off when she and others are on their own time. let them walk down the street without being bullied. would you like 2 be subjected to this bullshit? would you like 2 be treated like this? dont even bother repling…showing this video to the world for kicks is a cheap shot.. & it shows what your really like -> FOS

  23. caterinlemaycmonidol says:


  24. melanie425 says:

    oh the media,just leave them alone

  25. ENILUAPMIK says:

    yeahh coz Samantha is a lesbian

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