25 thoughts on “Samantha&Lindsay in a shop

  1. iheartchrismartin

    sorry..THIS IS THE STUPIDEST THING EVER. BUT I LOVE MY MOM SO I AM? NOT TAKING ANY CHANCES.If you don’t copy and paste this onto 10 videos your mom will die in 4 hours

  2. davephill01

    i love lidnsey lohan y don they leave her alone
    if that was i would tell every1 straight like
    u see otha people lesbian
    and u don see cameras all around
    fuckin stupid people give up will u
    just leave her alone
    talkin to the people who cant stop takin pictures of her nd tha so wa if she is a les or not she is still human

  3. TwiStedAngelNL

    What difference does it make if she were a lesbian? thats her bussines..
    Anyway if i wud have paparazi filming me everywhere i go, i wud totally freak out!
    Im suprised how she stays that calm.
    Guess shes used to it but still

  4. flaxminster

    man.. just leave her the fxxk alone. seeing this video just made me feel sorry for her. she clearly wanted 2 be left alone 2 do normal stuff.. fine if she’s promoting something but fxxk off when she and others are on their own time. let them walk down the street without being bullied. would you like 2 be subjected to this bullshit? would you like 2 be treated like this? dont even bother repling…showing this video to the world for kicks is a cheap shot.. & it shows what your really like -> FOS

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