Mean Girls (german)

Mean Girls with Lindsay Lohan and Jonathan Bennett. Trailer of German. … Girls Club Mean girls trailer german Lindsay lohan Jonathan Bennett

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25 Responses

  1. PrinceMustDie666 says:

    This was like a B plus film, interesting trailer though. I wonder if they understood it because i sure didnt. (The moral of the story seemed to be all girls are evil, hit it and quit it. ) There are many excellent films from Deutshland, for example “Mostly Marthe”, which Catherine Zeta lifted for her own movie (the title of which i wont bother to look up). Whatever banks the euros i suppose.

  2. piperronson says:

    englisch is sooo viel besser xD

  3. ReadySetGo82 says:

    You kinda did :P, but if I didn’t learn German then I would think the same thing too 🙂
    Yeah, I understand. It happens all the time in translations, but sometimes not always because the people are lazy, but because the words are the same in the other language or sometimes cannot be translated as that word does not exist or there is no similar meaning.
    I just thought I’d let you know 😀

  4. tHeWasTeDYouTh says:

    lmao, I must have sounded really stupid. The things is when you watch movies in Spanish the beaners are all lazy and they say a lot of words in English instead of translating them to Spanish. Thought it was the same way here.

  5. ReadySetGo82 says:

    I love this movie!
    It looks really awesome in German 😀
    I really want to watch it now!

  6. ReadySetGo82 says:

    The German word for Plastic is “Plastik.”
    So it sounds really similar.

  7. tHeWasTeDYouTh says:

    lmao they can’t say plastics in German??/

  8. celeboria says:

    “Naughty Girl” by Beyonce

  9. xd3gr4ssixgurlx says:

    how do they go from mean girls, to girls club? lol weird.

  10. xd3gr4ssixgurlx says:

    girls club????

  11. annelindy says:

    wah. toller film…

  12. mukkemaus says:

    der film is soo geilooo

  13. iamindirax33 says:

    wo kann man online in voller länge den film anschauen ? oder kann einer den in youtube rein tun bitte ) Ö ?

  14. Hundiwundi1980 says:

    Hey, weiß einer wie das lied zwischen 1.40 und 1.50 min. heißt?? THX

  15. helenajesstarzak says:

    No I guess not. But I just thougth it sounded silly.

    Look I am sorry, I guess it`s mostly Disney Channel that pisses me of the most. I hate that they show
    “Hannah Montana” and “Zack and Cody”
    in danish. The time, moment with the voices does not fit and it sounds dumb.

  16. Maiky2010 says:

    Sure, when you know the orginal voices the synchronized ones seem don’t to fit at all and I prefer to watch movies in the orginal version (if the orginal version is english) too, but why do you hate it when other countries synchronize the voices? Would you learn japanese just to be able to watch a japanese movie in the orginal version?

  17. AlanJArdelean says:

    IMaO All i understand was: Oh my Good, Regina George coach and Looser. Ha ha,. really funny those germans!

  18. SelenaAndDemi2oo9 says:

    Einer der Besten Filme der Welt!!!

  19. helenajesstarzak says:

    I only like watch movies in originale version
    I`ll reather what you to shoot me, when me watching this movie in German!!!

    You can totally see that it`s fake the voices dont even fit the characters,
    I hate it when other countries, doe this to the originale ones!!!

    Rachel Addams is so beautyful!

  20. FREEAKSHOOW says:

    am ende steht aber “GIRLS CLUB” aber der film heißt MEAN GIRLS

  21. StyLeMeeTzMuSiC says:

    der song heißt overdrive 🙂

    mag den filma uchs ehr gerne,doch die synchronstimmen in diesem trailer sind ganz anders als im film o.O

  22. rirarooney says:

    jop der film is geil.
    schon weil ich an meiner schule sowas wie ne männliche version von mrs. regina george war…

    ach die guten alten zeiten…

  23. TatjanaPeter says:

    Weiß jemand zufällig, wie das Lied ganz am Schluss heißt?
    PS: Superfilm! Ich mag den voll weil er total witzig ist!^^

  24. lullabynightmare says:

    das ist sehr gut! ich liebe der film! 😀

  25. TomsPrincezZ says:

    Jngle Bell Rock 😀

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