Lindsay Lohan Should Not Be Posting Inspirational Quotes!

Especially in a different language! Lindsay Lohan posted an Arabic quote with the caption “You’re Beautiful” but the Arabic quote actually translates into “You Are A Donkey”! Nice…

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25 Responses

  1. wafa mazen says:

    I laughed way too loud, couldn’t she find a way to be sure before posting
    that ? ?????????

  2. Romeo Rampage says:

    dear youtube, i can handle ads. I can handle buffer. But when ads buffer, i

  3. Jerich0 says:

    Fucking Derrick! Thinks he’s smarter than everyone.?

  4. Alia ALshehri says:

    ?? ??? ???????????
    ???? ????? ??? ????? xD?

  5. Mubarak M. says:

    Finally! We brain washed Americans yaaaaay!?

  6. Kegs O says:

    i love how defensive he got LOL?

  7. Slaughda Radio LLC says:

    Donkey of the day!!?

  8. Moon belle david says:

    i’m arab and I laughed so hard hahahhahahahahhahahaha when I say this I
    thought it was a joke?

  9. TTHDAA says:

    ??? ????


  10. AlgaeEater08 says:

    Lindsey lohans a basic. Basics post those beautiful quote things?

  11. Mike Davis says:

    What a corny ass quote

    Your beautiful? Uhh da fuq? ?

  12. Mesho a.k.a says:

    Arabic people are crazy lol?

  13. A Santi says:

    It would be sssuuuuppper comical if she got that tattooed on her. Fucked up
    but a typical white girl. ?

  14. matador ush says:

    Well played my fellow Arabs … well played?

  15. Tariq Abdulaziz says:

    ??????????????????? ???? ????? ??????? ?

  16. Balssou says:

    Omg lmaoooo yeah when I read it in arabic I was like “You are a donkey…..
    wtf is beautiful with donkeys ?” :’)?

  17. IATEE says:

    i think she knew it?

  18. Mehdz03 says:

    Don’t these people have a job??

  19. Grape Kush says:

    After Freaky Friday everything went downhill… She still has nice tits
    though #RealShit?

  20. jose cruz says:

    i didn’t like this one sometimes tmz are like bullies?

  21. sinth1000 says:

    Ya’ll do realize that this picture she posted is actually making fun of
    people right ?
    Everyone is laughing at the dumb blond girl but the whole point of the
    picture is to mess with people.?

  22. devious141 says:

    DirtyDan is gunna shoot up the place one day, if y’all continue fucking
    with him?

  23. ?••MASTERPIECE••? says:


    how is that impossible XDDD?

  24. SubliminalOrigami says:

    I like her. ^ ^?

  25. Kjhoog Raqux says:

    nooooo it is an arabic joke loool you cant understand it if you dont know
    the arab joke?