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Lindsay Lohan Should Not Be Posting Inspirational Quotes!
Especially in a different language! Lindsay Lohan posted an Arabic quote with the caption “You’re Beautiful” but the Arabic quote actually translates into “You Are A Donkey”! Nice…
25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Should Not Be Posting Inspirational Quotes!”
Ya’ll do realize that this picture she posted is actually making fun of
people right ?
Everyone is laughing at the dumb blond girl but the whole point of the
picture is to mess with people.?
I laughed way too loud, couldn’t she find a way to be sure before posting
that ? ?????????
dear youtube, i can handle ads. I can handle buffer. But when ads buffer, i
Fucking Derrick! Thinks he’s smarter than everyone.?
?? ??? ???????????
???? ????? ??? ????? xD?
Finally! We brain washed Americans yaaaaay!?
i love how defensive he got LOL?
Donkey of the day!!?
i’m arab and I laughed so hard hahahhahahahahhahahaha when I say this I
thought it was a joke?
??? ????
Lindsey lohans a basic. Basics post those beautiful quote things?
What a corny ass quote
Your beautiful? Uhh da fuq? ?
Arabic people are crazy lol?
It would be sssuuuuppper comical if she got that tattooed on her. Fucked up
but a typical white girl. ?
Well played my fellow Arabs … well played?
??????????????????? ???? ????? ??????? ?
Omg lmaoooo yeah when I read it in arabic I was like “You are a donkey…..
wtf is beautiful with donkeys ?” :’)?
i think she knew it?
Don’t these people have a job??
After Freaky Friday everything went downhill… She still has nice tits
though #RealShit?
i didn’t like this one sometimes tmz are like bullies?
Ya’ll do realize that this picture she posted is actually making fun of
people right ?
Everyone is laughing at the dumb blond girl but the whole point of the
picture is to mess with people.?
DirtyDan is gunna shoot up the place one day, if y’all continue fucking
with him?
how is that impossible XDDD?
I like her. ^ ^?
nooooo it is an arabic joke loool you cant understand it if you dont know
the arab joke?