Lindsay Lohan Is All Blonde For Samantha

Lindsay Lohan Is All Blonde For Samantha In West Hollywood — Follow us on Twitter at

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25 Responses

  1. phileosea says:

    who called her intelligent anyway ?

  2. o0Cruzer0o says:

    lmao they creeped her from a window…that’s fucked up.

  3. xxezxx says:

    I prefer her red hair….i think its gorgeous….blonde doesn’t suit her so well

  4. VASTSAMO says:

    i really never see a kiss of them!..and sam is so getlemen letting lindz sits on her legs -.-‘ ..sam u could let sit her on you xD how a date!..they could do that on a cafe…not hater

  5. VASTSAMO says:

    i know she gonna have a new movie but what is the name?…mean girls 2 xD

  6. VASTSAMO says:

    she was good when she was 17 y old! in mean girls she look so good!..but if u dont noticed her arms are so skinny but not her legs..its weird!

  7. VASTSAMO says:

    hahahaha and smoke!

  8. MsBixy says:

    shopping is her most intelligent activity. LOL

  9. loveangel219 says:

    die paparazis die

  10. misshayalet says:

    no !!it’s for her new movie:

  11. margaritaaldama says:

    i agree

  12. xbabeepink says:

    agh shes so skinny.
    she looked better before.
    with a lil meat on herself.
    no offence.

  13. alyshaovgrange says:

    linds is kwl i rekon she cud do betta thn sam tho:P
    hopefully she’ll have a gd cumback fingers crossed(yn)

  14. aniadored says:

    I love the best Lindsay’s blonde hair, preetty

  15. 20feb says:

    the blonde hair makes her look trashy, she looks way more classy with red hair!!!

  16. imalij says:

    this gal doesnt have a life!! tza sin.. poor lindz

  17. toomuchtunza says:

    i think she’s definitely hottest with red hair, i don’t really like her with blonde’s one.
    but anyway the point is: is she with samantha like a couple? again?!
    i really hope so <3

  18. stormcheeer says:

    i like her hair red the best! but blonde is cute.

  19. dannniii13 says:

    yeap leave her alone, so annoying!!

  20. HOTpink006 says:


  21. iL0VEu427XTiNA says:

    you rock lindsay ! xD
    whoever ur with, wht color ur hair is, how weird or cool ur outfit is, ur just gorgeous. even without them all. no lovers, no hair, no clothes xD love yah

  22. OUTFROMUNDER100 says:

    lindsay is so hot!

  23. daniellendelrosario says:

    straighten your back lindsay..

  24. daniellendelrosario says:

    she’s very thin.. add some fats lindsay

  25. rdfrances says:

    love the lengh of her hair:) not too long and not so short.

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