25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Is All Blonde For Samantha


    i really never see a kiss of them!..and sam is so getlemen letting lindz sits on her legs -.-‘ ..sam u could let sit her on you xD how a date!..they could do that on a cafe…not hater


    she was good when she was 17 y old! in mean girls she look so good!..but if u dont noticed her arms are so skinny but not her legs..its weird!

  3. toomuchtunza

    i think she’s definitely hottest with red hair, i don’t really like her with blonde’s one.
    but anyway the point is: is she with samantha like a couple? again?!
    i really hope so <3

  4. iL0VEu427XTiNA

    you rock lindsay ! xD
    whoever ur with, wht color ur hair is, how weird or cool ur outfit is, ur just gorgeous. even without them all. no lovers, no hair, no clothes xD love yah

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