Lindsay Lohan Interview 2003

First interviewed Lindsay in 1997 for The Parent Trap…A cute little girl who was only 11, I think…..At this interview she was 17…Growing up but still a little girl…BOOM shortly after this and was wild as a buck….Not sure if we see any clues in this interview….

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24 Responses

  1. bitchyb73 says:

    mistakes are one thing criminal behavior is something else don’t make excuses.

  2. yasmine10194 says:

    good try but this was before all that!
    dont be a hater!

  3. apollyon55abandoned says:

    she thought of mushrooms starting at about 2:35

  4. a6n1a9 says:

    wtf !!! “I wanna go to the bathroom really quickly” LOOOL

  5. Lohan4fans says:

    love her sooo much
    VISIT our channel 🙂

  6. e34h says:

    to be honest I don´t think she wants to attract guys, maybe even anybody. It´s just
    her appearance , her charisma and the way
    she talks and sees things that makes her attractive for everybody, it doesn’t matter whether woman or guys. (sry for my englisch!)

  7. gotikcute says:

    mm you´re talking for yourself, i know guys who do not think that way. Besides…does she want to attract guys?

  8. nic0kenty says:

    yer people may say, this was when she wasnt a alcoholic, a non smoker, but im sure if u lived ur life like her you would be 10 times worse, the poor girl cant even walk out the door without flashing lights in her face, or cant be seen standing next to someone without “dating” them. i think shes done really well, and we should respect them

  9. e34h says:

    no! but unattractive for guys.

  10. gotikcute says:

    she´s not alcoholic and drugholic any more, being in love with a girl makes her a bad person?

  11. meis2007 says:

    I would like to know Lindsay, se seems like a nice person

  12. Nebel305 says:

    thumbs up

  13. nero998 says:

    she’s a Super Gril, I Love lindsay.

  14. jyp93 says:

    this is when she wasn’t alcoholic, when she wasnt’ smoker, when she wasn’t drugholic, when she wasn’t lesbian. Oh shit, I miss her

  15. algk92 says:

    i am going to run to the bathroom really quickly haha love it

  16. yeueye says:

    i still love lindsay anyway dont believe all that rubbish about her

  17. MoggyMolly says:

    wen she was a non alciholic

  18. GeorgeMorales17 says:


  19. millybbz182 says:

    why were her and hillary duff fighting ? lol

  20. ChrisLovesGreys says:

    her voice is messed up now because of all the smoking and the drugs!
    poor lindsay 🙁

  21. pRpAnGi3 says:

    i’m with you,Lindsay is the same good person,she only grow up and make mistakes like everybody

  22. vickywoolvenagain says:

    i love how at the end she goes ‘i’m just gunna go to the bathroom really quickly’ lol.

  23. marriyumtariq says:

    she was so aweosme now she has changed soooooooooooooo much :'(

  24. biancaneyraLLrocks says:

    she looks so young and inocent here.
    thanks for posting.
    i feel like she’s 15 or 16..
    idc how the rumors go on her..
    ill support her forever!

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