24 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Interview 2003

  1. e34h

    to be honest I don´t think she wants to attract guys, maybe even anybody. It´s just
    her appearance , her charisma and the way
    she talks and sees things that makes her attractive for everybody, it doesn’t matter whether woman or guys. (sry for my englisch!)

  2. nic0kenty

    yer people may say, this was when she wasnt a alcoholic, a non smoker, but im sure if u lived ur life like her you would be 10 times worse, the poor girl cant even walk out the door without flashing lights in her face, or cant be seen standing next to someone without “dating” them. i think shes done really well, and we should respect them

  3. jyp93

    this is when she wasn’t alcoholic, when she wasnt’ smoker, when she wasn’t drugholic, when she wasn’t lesbian. Oh shit, I miss her

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