Lindsay Lohan gets in the wrong car

Lindsay Lohan gets in the wrong car

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25 Responses

  1. DwansAve says:

    Geez I should be a body guard. I would K.o. every papanazzi in sight. hmm maybe I shouldn’t be a body guard.

  2. juleisha123 says:

    they do this everyday? haha, dont they ever get sick? what a lame job.

  3. SynG4t3s says:

    fuck the paparazzi, they can really mess up someone’s life, doing the shit they do. poor lindsay gets followed around like almost everywhere she goes. i feel so sad for her .

  4. josuepulidoo says:

    el oh el

  5. pinkrules7773 says:

    thats HA larious!

  6. MissAshleyKaulitz says:

    celebs are lways like ‘dont fukin photograph me ‘ thats annoying xD

  7. mckenziie09 says:

    them paparazti are realy annoying if i was her i wud tell them to F**K off x

  8. sasorimex says:


  9. flurrym7 says:

    everybody commits mistake but different mistakes like that


  10. miiqke14 says:


  11. luv3music says:

    hahaha i love her so much 🙂
    they took pictures of the men with the other car too haha

  12. micaelappz says:

    shit wrong car! lol

  13. m5n3wb00ty says:

    lmao dont worry hunny ive done the same thing! aha it is embarrassing

  14. LadyJferyou says:


  15. 12jrmarco says:

    wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    that was funny but same time embarrassing……..

    “i love lindsay ”
    your my idol 🙂

  16. AnnaNolan says:

    haha! they were the exact same cars, weird! ugly toyota prius’s though ick

  17. sgieckm says:

    it happent to me too

  18. atatzky83 says:

    heheheehe nice one….hahaha what a….i love u lindsay

  19. lolafoxx says:


    I love her

  20. bigollameo says:

    You never really know the consequences until your in them. Before that, it’s just theoretical.

    Besides, she got into it when she was a little girl. Legally, as a minor, there’s only a very limited number of contracts or deals you can sign because you aren’t experienced enough to understand what it means to give due consideration.

    Have a heart, man. She was like 12 in “The Parent Trap” and it just went from there. She didn’t have much of a say, she just went with the direction of the current.

  21. bobzzz23 says:

    lol but i still fell bad for her!!

  22. 4yalltube says:

    hahaha dumb!

  23. inejcyrei says:

    i think those people put that “wrong” car in purpose… Lindsay was busy on her phonecall so she didn’t notice … it’s good she could still smile about it! i love lindsay!

  24. nonamesleft21 says:

    Big deal she got into the wrong piece of shit, why is she getting into a prius anyways….

  25. kitkat9440 says:

    think of who she was talking to on the phone
    ppl around screaming thats not your car

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