25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan gets in the wrong car

  1. SynG4t3s

    fuck the paparazzi, they can really mess up someone’s life, doing the shit they do. poor lindsay gets followed around like almost everywhere she goes. i feel so sad for her .

  2. 12jrmarco

    wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    that was funny but same time embarrassing……..

    “i love lindsay ”
    your my idol 🙂

  3. bigollameo

    You never really know the consequences until your in them. Before that, it’s just theoretical.

    Besides, she got into it when she was a little girl. Legally, as a minor, there’s only a very limited number of contracts or deals you can sign because you aren’t experienced enough to understand what it means to give due consideration.

    Have a heart, man. She was like 12 in “The Parent Trap” and it just went from there. She didn’t have much of a say, she just went with the direction of the current.

  4. inejcyrei

    i think those people put that “wrong” car in purpose… Lindsay was busy on her phonecall so she didn’t notice … it’s good she could still smile about it! i love lindsay!

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