Lindsay Lohan – Fornarina (HQ)

lindsay is the face of fornarina – celebrity fashon style. let’s support lindsay lohan! buy music, movies and stuff like this 🙂 www.l…

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25 Responses

  1. D Novacaine says:


  2. dudette1113 says:

    this commerical made her look stupid

  3. Kenna Ishii says:

    I thought it said “forNarnia” LOL!!!

  4. itsYajaira says:

    oh my goodness. i didnt even realize this was her till i saw the comments.
    dang she is skinny. i thought this was white chick making a parody out of
    her..cuz this video is stupid btw

  5. videogarble says:

    yes Lindsay

  6. Sabrina F says:

    At first I thought it was for narnia 😛

  7. Nelly3Nelly says:

    She looks exactly like a barbiedoll!

  8. JustCallMeSuzi says:

    This ad has illuminati written all over it

  9. cranc13 says:

    looks like a barbie 😀

  10. Jason Adams says:

    who is she? barbie

  11. starraven278 says:

    it took me to the end of that to realise who the hell i was looking
    at!!!!!!thatt isnt lindsay lohan!! its not her. she looks nothing like her
    self any more. its creepy! and she is WAYYY!!!!! too skinny!

  12. meggss95483 says:

    io adoro fornarina *ççç* com’è diventata magra Lindsay qui…

  13. TheBritneySpearsfann says:

    is that lindsay ? 😮

  14. hasonopinion says:

    wtf.. i never saw that?? she looks too skinny there.. you could tell she
    was sick behind all that makeup and clothes

  15. annagrazia petruzzella says:

    il fisico è suo altrochè… e solo anoressia…..

  16. rawbonedbelle says:

    why do i feel nauseated

  17. JayRLuvsU says:

    Funniest Commercial Ever xDD. Glam, Pink, Heart ForNarina! xDD

  18. punk0rebel says:

    Now that’s some illuminati ish right there!! =S

  19. Kissdelchesse says:

    OH DIOS MIO!!!! ES HORRIBLE!! ….estaba horrible!! esa es lindsay Lohan?!
    enserio? … =/ estaba re anorexica seguro

  20. maiexta says:

    uy s wuakala esa vieja esta horrible nose comola contrataron para eso fuchi

  21. SamaraMorgan1970 says:

    Lol I have some clothes of this brand 🙂

  22. Amelia Harlovic says:

    aw i thought this said for narnia 🙁

  23. NjomEli09 says:

    @punk0rebel omg, i see it now when i look at the 2nd time.. xD

  24. iLovemoney201000 says:

    she looks like a ditzy blond