Lindsay Lohan – Fornarina (HQ)

lindsay is the face of fornarina – celebrity fashon style. let’s support lindsay lohan! buy music, movies and stuff like this 🙂 www.l…

25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan – Fornarina (HQ)

  1. itsYajaira

    oh my goodness. i didnt even realize this was her till i saw the comments.
    dang she is skinny. i thought this was white chick making a parody out of
    her..cuz this video is stupid btw

  2. starraven278

    it took me to the end of that to realise who the hell i was looking
    at!!!!!!thatt isnt lindsay lohan!! its not her. she looks nothing like her
    self any more. its creepy! and she is WAYYY!!!!! too skinny!

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