Lindsay Lohan – First [Live in Wango Tango]


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25 Responses

  1. mafehv says:

    i love her

  2. SherryLuvsYew says:

    I <3 this song!
    Her hair is SO pretty here,(:

  3. styniemg says:

    is it? what makes you say that?

  4. daniwaymosley says:

    I think who uses drugs is a sick person and need treatment
    Lindsay doesn’t use drugs anymore
    and if she uses I won’t support it.. of course..
    but in all the rest, I really support her

  5. wenzba says:

    What about the fact that she’s using drugs?

  6. daniwaymosley says:

    Lindsay Is perfecttttt!!!!!!
    I love her the way she is

    bisexual or heterosexual..
    Blond or brunette..
    With or without sun glasses…
    nothing mattter!!
    She is PERFECT!!!!

  7. officialpickle says:

    with her new album.she really need’s to tour.. not just go on talk shows.she need’s to put out videos& go on the road!!

  8. flojo8519 says:

    She is so fucking skinny here

  9. worldmeetsboy1 says:

    she wasnt singing live which was a shame
    but i think she looked really nice..
    acted abit odd, but i dont give a crap.
    new album titled spirit in the dark comes out in feb
    cant wait

  10. americantouch says:

    this song is like dedicated to samantha ronson

  11. Ednaooiky94 says:

    do u noe she sings pretty good live???
    anyway..LOVE her hair!!!

  12. americantouch says:

    in one of her other performances she was performing infront of little girls and she did a pole dance for them 5sec

  13. americantouch says:

    why is she wearing sunglasses while singing

  14. americantouch says:

    her dancing is funny

  15. boomboxshoebox says:

    Love Lindsay, but this performance was crazy.
    The dancing was weird and I don’t like her hair.
    Still good video though! =D

  16. shadymansoncyrus101 says:

    All of you hating on her for her singing is so dumb, she isn’t the best, but she is trying, and atleast she is a great actress. Shes trying. Give her a fucking break!

  17. Salasduff says:

    Bonito PlAyback

  18. lukaslohan says:

    she rockz

    i love her

  19. hopestar1230 says:

    her look is so awesome and she is pretty and a great actress!

  20. Hypnotixxxed says:

    I’m sorry that I have to dissapoint some people, but she’s not really singing live. Well… she does sing, and the band plays, but it’s clearly on top of a backing track. Many pop-singers, with not so strong voices like for example Britney, do that.
    But hey, she’s not really a musician – she’s an entertainer imo, and she’s so HOT! – so I don’t care!!! I’m entertained 😉

  21. liamchild1 says:

    well this is the best performace shes done and apparently shes done alot of training for her 3rd album and she wants to promote better so i hope everythi goes well for her – Album is out beginning of November !!! cnt w8

  22. ionia23 says:

    you guys are impressed by this? Singing over her own backing vocal track, and badly at that? Well, that explains a lot…

  23. iheartlifewithu says:

    she may sing like an angel…but i think with all the rehab she proves she ISNT an angel herself…

  24. EWatsonLover says:

    Not bad at all!

  25. audreyisamonster says:

    I’m impressed, I mean it’s better than i would have thought.

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