25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan – First [Live in Wango Tango]

  1. daniwaymosley

    I think who uses drugs is a sick person and need treatment
    Lindsay doesn’t use drugs anymore
    and if she uses I won’t support it.. of course..
    but in all the rest, I really support her

  2. daniwaymosley

    Lindsay Is perfecttttt!!!!!!
    I love her the way she is

    bisexual or heterosexual..
    Blond or brunette..
    With or without sun glasses…
    nothing mattter!!
    She is PERFECT!!!!

  3. worldmeetsboy1

    she wasnt singing live which was a shame
    but i think she looked really nice..
    acted abit odd, but i dont give a crap.
    new album titled spirit in the dark comes out in feb
    cant wait

  4. shadymansoncyrus101

    All of you hating on her for her singing is so dumb, she isn’t the best, but she is trying, and atleast she is a great actress. Shes trying. Give her a fucking break!

  5. Hypnotixxxed

    I’m sorry that I have to dissapoint some people, but she’s not really singing live. Well… she does sing, and the band plays, but it’s clearly on top of a backing track. Many pop-singers, with not so strong voices like for example Britney, do that.
    But hey, she’s not really a musician – she’s an entertainer imo, and she’s so HOT! – so I don’t care!!! I’m entertained 😉

  6. liamchild1

    well this is the best performace shes done and apparently shes done alot of training for her 3rd album and she wants to promote better so i hope everythi goes well for her – Album is out beginning of November !!! cnt w8

  7. ionia23

    you guys are impressed by this? Singing over her own backing vocal track, and badly at that? Well, that explains a lot…

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