Lindsay and Samantha Ronson – Adorable – New Pictures –

Beautiful new pictures of this adorable couple and music by Samantha Ronson. It’s good to know they are together… Be brave and be happy girls, you are a symbol…!! … lindsay lohan samantha ronson lilo samro new york paris london dubai la

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25 Responses

  1. phetcharat91 says:

    wow good job …=)
    i luv this song
    where can i get it ??

  2. dpsantillan says:

    omg where did you get that samantha ronson version??? where can i download?

  3. porquedigoyo says:

    Oye…la foto 3:10 es bastante personal…si nota que se lo ha hecho la propia Lindsay..donde la has pillado chica???Pienso que ella sube sus propias fotos,no??Sabes tu de algo???Bsss

  4. animegurl12 says:

    um didnt they break up already?????

  5. milleniumwmn says:

    yeah… I read that too… let’s cross our fingers

  6. marioom25 says:

    they spent the night together i red it on x17 online ……u guy have no idea how happy im right now ….i luv rohan
    they r in love …..i luv the cuteness

  7. milleniumwmn says:

    mmmm… there is some story going around, about them getting back together… who knows?? 🙂

  8. LollipopThinspo says:

    they were so cute.

  9. xDeadEdgeBlade says:

    Oh! how stupid of me XD it said in the beginning (a) but thnak you anyway!

  10. milleniumwmn says:

    Yes it is, except for certain phrases… the truth is this is a great song (and it is also one of my favorites… ) and was great for the video.
    Have a great day and thanks for watching
    please check the new video

  11. milleniumwmn says:

    Bette Davis Eyes by Samantha Ronson
    Thanks for watching!!

  12. milleniumwmn says:

    Hey.. let’s not talk about broken hearts, they could be together soon and then the only broken heart would be yours. So, smile and cross your fingers!! Have a nice day… check my new video if you have time

  13. milleniumwmn says:

    well… she is small and skinny… maybe that is what Lindsay likes about her.
    Thanks for watching, please check the new one.

  14. milleniumwmn says:

    thank you, sorry for taking such a long time to answer your comment, have a nice day and check my new vid if you have some time

  15. xDeadEdgeBlade says:

    What song is it? 🙂

  16. vnmultimedia says:

    I feel so bad these days. Sam seems broke Lind’s heart. and my heart is broken too. How could she do that to Linds? How could she just was there and saw Linds broken heart and out of control…May be Lindsay made a mistake, but she so young and so lonely now…
    I can’t stand this . I’m Sam’s fan first, but now, she broke my heart too. I mean, there are many ways to say good bye, why does she hurt Lind so much!!

  17. RetardedOWL says:

    im thinking this song is about lindsay. Right?

  18. Ziggyhilton says:

    Samantha looks like a little boy 🙂

  19. rhezzz says:

    great JOB!

  20. milleniumwmn says:

    Thank you very much for your comment

  21. apenilakaunakkena says:

    aww….very very adorable pics….my god lindsay is so pretty..

  22. punkiegirl101 says:

    oh ok 😛 pce eazy

  23. milleniumwmn says:

    I am not mad… I was just stating a fact… no problem…

  24. punkiegirl101 says:

    WOW!! calm down I really really like Lindsay chill im just sayin I had no clue wow

  25. milleniumwmn says:

    Well, she is… her life, her right.

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