25 thoughts on “Lindsay and Samantha Ronson – Adorable – New Pictures –

  1. porquedigoyo

    Oye…la foto 3:10 es bastante personal…si nota que se lo ha hecho la propia Lindsay..donde la has pillado chica???Pienso que ella sube sus propias fotos,no??Sabes tu de algo???Bsss

  2. marioom25

    they spent the night together i red it on x17 online ……u guy have no idea how happy im right now ….i luv rohan
    they r in love …..i luv the cuteness

  3. milleniumwmn

    Yes it is, except for certain phrases… the truth is this is a great song (and it is also one of my favorites… ) and was great for the video.
    Have a great day and thanks for watching
    please check the new video

  4. milleniumwmn

    Hey.. let’s not talk about broken hearts, they could be together soon and then the only broken heart would be yours. So, smile and cross your fingers!! Have a nice day… check my new video if you have time

  5. vnmultimedia

    I feel so bad these days. Sam seems broke Lind’s heart. and my heart is broken too. How could she do that to Linds? How could she just was there and saw Linds broken heart and out of control…May be Lindsay made a mistake, but she so young and so lonely now…
    I can’t stand this . I’m Sam’s fan first, but now, she broke my heart too. I mean, there are many ways to say good bye, why does she hurt Lind so much!!

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