Best Breasts in the West: The Hottest Boobs in Hollywood

Twins, ta-tas, boobs or breasts; whatever you call them, we rate only the hottest in Tinseltown. So forget the recession or the so-called stimulus package, its time for the important stuff! All this in todays very special Celebrity Buzz. … celebrity news gossip entertainment boobs breasts Lindsay Lohan Salma Hayek Angelina Jolie top 10 ten

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25 Responses

  1. moonfhdarleneci says:

    teen strips and orgasms

  2. arcdude7734 says:

    Scarlett Johannson #10? No way, she’s number 1 in my book.

  3. Lawasoft says:

    Funny, zooming on the breast at the end was realy funny.

  4. ichersue says:

    wtf? feminism?? 0.o

    HIStory is our story.

    (nah i was just joking – i’m very strongly for gender equality, but very strongly irritated by women who call themselves feminist by demeaning and insulting men)

  5. uuuoii123 says:

    was fun

  6. ytgebr says:

    Cute Britney – _CELEBRITYUTUBE_._COM_

  7. snowballh9 says:

    that waz stupid

  8. Thegirlnextdoor42 says:

    lmao, the lady talking is hilarious

  9. joedeuviet says:

    she wierd wtf

  10. smexycan says:


  11. n33daname says:

    going to have to say that most of these were picked on popularity and not on boobs

  12. urbie101 says:

    u r so dumb

  13. downrightfierce says:

    And she’s from Mexico, not Colombia as she mentioned.

  14. blesstashi says:

    even my dog wouldnt c her breasts….

  15. amparova says:


  16. hugodogobob says:

    shes wierd

  17. HEYDUDEYOU9 says:

    lol i really saw this on tv Rofl

  18. enginehead217 says:

    She reminds me of dr cuddy from house

  19. moltenriches says:

    she is not funny

  20. funnybone519 says:

    that’s way woman are born

  21. TiKwanMOE says:


  22. jakeryan0483 says:

    awful voice

  23. AlexanderSigal says:

    wow, she really thinks she is hot? :-/

  24. discovercs says:

    Most annoying voice in the universe. She spoiled the presentation. Thanks youtube for the mute option.

  25. promarko says:

    fuck all of ’em Salma Hayek is the best

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