Best Breasts in the West: The Hottest Boobs in Hollywood

Twins, ta-tas, boobs or breasts; whatever you call them, we rate only the hottest in Tinseltown. So forget the recession or the so-called stimulus package, its time for the important stuff! All this in todays very special Celebrity Buzz. … celebrity news gossip entertainment boobs breasts Lindsay Lohan Salma Hayek Angelina Jolie top 10 ten

25 thoughts on “Best Breasts in the West: The Hottest Boobs in Hollywood

  1. ichersue

    wtf? feminism?? 0.o

    HIStory is our story.

    (nah i was just joking – i’m very strongly for gender equality, but very strongly irritated by women who call themselves feminist by demeaning and insulting men)

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