Dynamo’s best 2012 trick performered on Lindsay Lohan.

This is Dynamo’s best trick. Must watch Please like,subscribe and comment.

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25 Responses

  1. Timothée Girard says:

    Dynamo il est tellement bon ce mec en magie meme si la magie n’est que mise
    en scene il est putain de bon?

  2. BahamianKing100 says:

    lmao you could clearly see at 0:54 she is sitting on another sit and look
    at the rod under it lifting it up. lol at these guys?

  3. tornike pkhaladze says:

    this is not a trick, this kind of magic is real. almost everithing what
    Dynamo does, is real magic, not tricks.?

  4. dosdadio siapa says:

    will you please explain how dynamo and the woman did the “levitation”? How
    did Dynamo did it;and how did the woman participated and how or in what

  5. brayan morales says:

    se ve que ella sigue sentada en algo lo que la levanta lo tapa con las
    piernas ?

  6. Inês Ferreira says:

    eu estou parva!!!?

  7. Daniel Vargas says:

    Well, I think Lindsey got really high this time.?

  8. starman323323 says:

    She looks cool in mid air????? she is participating in this trick. Any
    other person would have scream their hearts out loud!!!! What a trick. ?

  9. Wouter Reinders says:

    all actors and she is sitting on a another sit. why would you do this only
    for the viewers on youtube. weird!!!?

  10. Emily hoff says:


  11. chris webb says:

    Best Brit magician but very over rated guy this one!!!! just look at her
    thighs when sitting, then as she rises, you can clearly see she is still
    sitting on something, her thighs are flat!!!! its even more obvious when
    she descends!!!! Sorry mate but you aint no Derren Brown ?

  12. Prafull Ambekar says:

    Mystery solved. It’s like how the space rockets take off. The force of Fire
    expelled through her Arsehole lifts her up,and brings her down while her
    fart weakens. See The people around ? No one wants to get anywhere closer
    to her.?

  13. TulsaProject says:

    He uses demons.?

  14. H?i Lê says:

    oh my good!?

  15. thomas hay says:

    who cares how its done ….its just super entertainment….stop analysing
    it…just enjoy?

  16. Luweepoo says:

    She’s sitting on something and there’s a rod at the back of it and the
    camera doesn’t show?

  17. Markão Junior says:

    em sonhos é possivel, agora no bardo da vida ja é néh…?

  18. hairymarx says:

    I don’t think that was very impressive. The clue to the illusion is in the
    padding of the seat and within the legs of the stool. I don’t regard
    illusions of this kind to be skillful on the part of the magicians
    involved. ?

  19. Joe Jackson says:

    This people are paid you could tell david gaine is better.?

  20. nrp66 says:

    Nothing new for Lindsay,she’s used to getting high

  21. BarnET0 says:


  22. jefferson conceição says:

    Eu acho que isso foi realidade, não sei. eu to bobo! kkkkk

  23. dontnow100 says:


  24. bheast86 says:

    his showmanship fails a little, inasmuch as he doesn’t use an alliterative
    adjective for ‘Lindsay Lohan’

  25. Natalie Roberts says:

    She’s been higher than that