25 thoughts on “Dynamo’s best 2012 trick performered on Lindsay Lohan.

  1. chris webb

    Best Brit magician but very over rated guy this one!!!! just look at her
    thighs when sitting, then as she rises, you can clearly see she is still
    sitting on something, her thighs are flat!!!! its even more obvious when
    she descends!!!! Sorry mate but you aint no Derren Brown ?

  2. Prafull Ambekar

    Mystery solved. It’s like how the space rockets take off. The force of Fire
    expelled through her Arsehole lifts her up,and brings her down while her
    fart weakens. See The people around ? No one wants to get anywhere closer
    to her.?

  3. hairymarx

    I don’t think that was very impressive. The clue to the illusion is in the
    padding of the seat and within the legs of the stool. I don’t regard
    illusions of this kind to be skillful on the part of the magicians
    involved. ?

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