GTA 5 Respond to Lindsay Lohan’s Lawsuit! (Take Two Interactive Lindsay Lohan Lawsuit News)

Claiming GTA 5 Copied her “Likeness”! GTA 5 Finally respond! More GTA 5 Content Subscribe: GTA 5 Video: ? Twitter: https://twitte…

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25 Responses

  1. NoughtPointFourLIVE says:

    Oh dear! Here come all the “I’m making a lawsuit on ……… for copying
    my looks” ;)?

  2. Frankie Kasynak says:

    I bet if this never happened we would have gta on xbox one right know?

  3. ben stedall says:

    Want a BITCH just HANG HER?

  4. patrick smith says:

    i think kate upton is the one who would have sued R* there is a photo that
    looks exactly the same as the sexy woma on the cover?

  5. TryHardGamer says:

    If your reading this your reading this?

  6. Jorge Alatorre says:

    You’re asking us to like your video before even watching the whole thing?
    That’s not how it works.?

  7. Camilo Gallego says:

    I am the only one who thinks that nough suck rockstar’s dick??

  8. kingJayWare816 says:

    HOLD UP HOLD UP that guy on the left at 3:56 looks like my brothers dads
    cousins uncle aunt grampas ancestors sister IM SUEING?

  9. Carlos Ramirez says:

    Wow wow wow am I FIRST???? !!!?

  10. Nene O'Sullivan says:


  11. Meeharbi N says:

    Those who replied to the comment in the last vid. Read my reply.?

  12. IMYUGO says:

    then I’m suing magazines for saying I’m the sexiest man in America without
    my permission?

  13. Newert123 says:

    The cartoon looks better than Lindsay lohan ?

  14. Byron Cai says:

    shes an idiot?

  15. Nene O'Sullivan says:


  16. NoughtPointFourLIVE says:

    #GTA 5 Take Two Respond to the BIG Lindsay Lohan Case! #GTA5 News! More
    #GTAV Videos, Subscribe & Like!?

  17. Lilturdz says:

    She done for.?

  18. Masta Pat says:

    Put it in her butt?

  19. CheekySkrubz says:

    get rekt lindsay lohan?

  20. MrSmoothgrooves says:

    Fake and gay?

  21. Matthius Da Silva says:

    *Nought* Double thumbs up dude you deserve it XD (Y)?

  22. wuwinken says:

    now that’s a definition of full out ATTENTION WHORE!! ?

  23. Austin Reyes says:

    Lindsay Lohan has a picture like that in real life with a red bikini.
    That’s why she thought that the “sexy lady” was her?

  24. Rusty Fondlebirg says:

    Saying that she look like one of the GTA V she look more like Trevor and he
    looks better ?

  25. Kobe Murphy says:

    that woman was allready a npc
    in gta series?