GTA 5 Respond to Lindsay Lohan’s Lawsuit! (Take Two Interactive Lindsay Lohan Lawsuit News) Claiming GTA 5 Copied her “Likeness”! GTA 5 Finally respond! More GTA 5 Content Subscribe: GTA 5 Video: ? Twitter: https://twitte…
NoughtPointFourLIVE August 27, 2014 at 6:01 pm Oh dear! Here come all the “I’m making a lawsuit on ……… for copying my looks” ;)?
Frankie Kasynak August 27, 2014 at 6:01 pm I bet if this never happened we would have gta on xbox one right know?
patrick smith August 27, 2014 at 6:01 pm i think kate upton is the one who would have sued R* there is a photo that looks exactly the same as the sexy woma on the cover?
Jorge Alatorre August 27, 2014 at 6:01 pm You’re asking us to like your video before even watching the whole thing? That’s not how it works.?
Camilo Gallego August 27, 2014 at 6:01 pm I am the only one who thinks that nough suck rockstar’s dick??
kingJayWare816 August 27, 2014 at 6:01 pm HOLD UP HOLD UP that guy on the left at 3:56 looks like my brothers dads cousins uncle aunt grampas ancestors sister IM SUEING?
Meeharbi N August 27, 2014 at 6:01 pm Those who replied to the comment in the last vid. Read my reply.?
IMYUGO August 27, 2014 at 6:01 pm then I’m suing magazines for saying I’m the sexiest man in America without my permission?
NoughtPointFourLIVE August 27, 2014 at 6:01 pm #GTA 5 Take Two Respond to the BIG Lindsay Lohan Case! #GTA5 News! More #GTAV Videos, Subscribe & Like!?
Austin Reyes August 27, 2014 at 6:01 pm Lindsay Lohan has a picture like that in real life with a red bikini. That’s why she thought that the “sexy lady” was her?
Rusty Fondlebirg August 27, 2014 at 6:01 pm Saying that she look like one of the GTA V she look more like Trevor and he looks better ?
Oh dear! Here come all the “I’m making a lawsuit on ……… for copying
my looks” ;)?
I bet if this never happened we would have gta on xbox one right know?
Want a BITCH just HANG HER?
i think kate upton is the one who would have sued R* there is a photo that
looks exactly the same as the sexy woma on the cover?
If your reading this your reading this?
You’re asking us to like your video before even watching the whole thing?
That’s not how it works.?
I am the only one who thinks that nough suck rockstar’s dick??
HOLD UP HOLD UP that guy on the left at 3:56 looks like my brothers dads
cousins uncle aunt grampas ancestors sister IM SUEING?
Wow wow wow am I FIRST???? !!!?
Those who replied to the comment in the last vid. Read my reply.?
then I’m suing magazines for saying I’m the sexiest man in America without
my permission?
The cartoon looks better than Lindsay lohan ?
shes an idiot?
#GTA 5 Take Two Respond to the BIG Lindsay Lohan Case! #GTA5 News! More
#GTAV Videos, Subscribe & Like!?
She done for.?
Put it in her butt?
get rekt lindsay lohan?
Fake and gay?
*Nought* Double thumbs up dude you deserve it XD (Y)?
now that’s a definition of full out ATTENTION WHORE!! ?
Lindsay Lohan has a picture like that in real life with a red bikini.
That’s why she thought that the “sexy lady” was her?
Saying that she look like one of the GTA V she look more like Trevor and he
looks better ?
that woman was allready a npc
in gta series?