Lindsay Lohan Stumbles Out of Hollywood Club

Fresh off of house arrest, Lindsay Lohan showed up to Lexington Social House in Hollywood for a night out on the town. Lindsay stumbled out of the club with Emile Hirsh and “Nikita’s” Lyndsy Fonseca. A paparazzi yelled out “She’s drunk!” as she almost fell on her face.

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21 Responses

  1. caicai245 says:

    I remember when she was that sweet little girl on the Parent Trap…..those were the days

  2. mindmyown1 says:

    she looks sooo washed up and old….the worst part of all this, I could never imagine lindsay lohan as anything different than lindsay lohan. which, of course sucks when your a hollywood “actress”. The audience will always have a hard time imagining she is someone other than a lying, drug addicted thief.

  3. armert87 says:

    the host are more uglier!!

  4. bunnystick says:

    has it not occurred to this woman that Lindsey was holed up in the bar for that long *because* of the paparazzi buzzing around outside. that shit’s gotta be annoying after even 5 minutes, let along 5 hours. She more likely stumbled because she was pushed or, gasp, tripped over something. i sincerely doubt that she would fuck herself over on the first day of her freedom. even Lindsey has a little more tact to wait a few days to do that if she would at all.

  5. 777Darklight says:

    @rfsent5 Exactly,Add me plz. subscribe ya!

  6. rfsent5 says:

    @777Darklight, yeah, flash, bad lighting etc will do that. She can still look hot if she wants. But if she keeps up the partying…

  7. 777Darklight says:

    She got ugly! >.<

  8. CelebrityGamer says:

    @MrJaydawg14 Fame, Bad association

  9. CelebrityGamer says:

    @razorcrush12 If you lived a corrupt life, your face will turn into a hot mess.

  10. CelebrityGamer says:

    Seems like alot of people have a drinking problem.

  11. SmokinAcesAirsoft says:

    Ok im not much of a fan of lindsay but i saw the vid and the paparazzi guy clearly pushed her.

  12. MrJaydawg14 says:

    what happend to her

  13. Hiluxtaco says:

    I remember the good old days when she was hawt! Now look at her. She’s hideous!

  14. kenkestangher says:

    She looks so old. It’s like seeing someone in her 50’s.

  15. razorcrush12 says:

    damn she looks so old D:

  16. TheCheetahwings says:

    leave her the hell alonne

  17. striderx99 says:

    Put the old lady to rest….she needs to GO AWAY!!!!! ‘Nuf said.

  18. newbeginxyz says:

    Wow! It is amazing how life has really done a hard job on Lindsay’s face. Not only is she truly a has been star she looks 20 years older than her real age.

  19. TheZarbodShow says:

    she looks 40. that’s just sad.

  20. thunderrn says:

    no kidding so how is this news?

  21. PrettyBoyJC18 says:

    Drunk pussy