Lindsay Lohan Stumbles Out of Hollywood Club

Fresh off of house arrest, Lindsay Lohan showed up to Lexington Social House in Hollywood for a night out on the town. Lindsay stumbled out of the club with Emile Hirsh and “Nikita’s” Lyndsy Fonseca. A paparazzi yelled out “She’s drunk!” as she almost fell on her face.

21 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Stumbles Out of Hollywood Club

  1. mindmyown1

    she looks sooo washed up and old….the worst part of all this, I could never imagine lindsay lohan as anything different than lindsay lohan. which, of course sucks when your a hollywood “actress”. The audience will always have a hard time imagining she is someone other than a lying, drug addicted thief.

  2. bunnystick

    has it not occurred to this woman that Lindsey was holed up in the bar for that long *because* of the paparazzi buzzing around outside. that shit’s gotta be annoying after even 5 minutes, let along 5 hours. She more likely stumbled because she was pushed or, gasp, tripped over something. i sincerely doubt that she would fuck herself over on the first day of her freedom. even Lindsey has a little more tact to wait a few days to do that if she would at all.

  3. rfsent5

    @777Darklight, yeah, flash, bad lighting etc will do that. She can still look hot if she wants. But if she keeps up the partying…

  4. newbeginxyz

    Wow! It is amazing how life has really done a hard job on Lindsay’s face. Not only is she truly a has been star she looks 20 years older than her real age.

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