Stephen Lynch “F.B.A.” (really rare) MCoV Version

Stephen Lynch Fans REJOICE! You Might Also See: Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Pamela Anderson, Lindsay Lohan, Courtney Love, Nicole Ritchie, Angelina Jolie… You Probably wont see: Numa Numa, South Park, A Dramatic Chipmunk, A Gay guy (or Butters) talking about Butt Lovin’ (what what was that video called again?), A kid with a lightsaber, Sarah Silverman or ANYONE singing Chocolate rain … Stephen Lynch Paris Hilton Britney Spears Courtney Love Lindsay Lohan Angelina Aids FBA Modern Church …

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11 Responses

  1. 99bajakid says:

    Haha, i have this song on a mix cd of mine that i made from limwire or maybe even napster. i had it stuck in my head today at random and just needed to listen to it.

  2. jahmaica398 says:

    you can get it on limewire most likely, try harder people!!!!!!

  3. jahmaica398 says:

    You rule for buttin this song on g hells yeah!!!!

  4. test123ok says:

    never heard an entire crowd shout in unison about an STD.. sniff brings a tear

  5. derIland says:

    can someone tell me where i find tabs fpr this song or does anyone have em ..i googled my ass off but coudn’t find anything!

  6. Metal7rocker says:

    Can you send me the mp3?

  7. uldur says:

    thanks so much for posting, ive been looking for this for a while now!!

  8. tjs8n says:

    I’ve had the mp3 for ages, i made the video.

  9. tjs8n says:

    Ty, i havent seen it on youtube before, (and now if i did i can just say they stole it from me, HA!)

  10. Luci112177 says:

    DAMN THAT WHORE!!!YEAHHHHHH!! This was from the most offensive music contest, Back in the day WAY BEFORE SYNDICATION from WNEW!! Great post man!!!

  11. JJLESDUDE2 says:

    wow where did u get this

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