Stephen Lynch “F.B.A.” (really rare) MCoV Version

Stephen Lynch Fans REJOICE! You Might Also See: Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Pamela Anderson, Lindsay Lohan, Courtney Love, Nicole Ritchie, Angelina Jolie… You Probably wont see: Numa Numa, South Park, A Dramatic Chipmunk, A Gay guy (or Butters) talking about Butt Lovin’ (what what was that video called again?), A kid with a lightsaber, Sarah Silverman or ANYONE singing Chocolate rain … Stephen Lynch Paris Hilton Britney Spears Courtney Love Lindsay Lohan Angelina Aids FBA Modern Church …

11 thoughts on “Stephen Lynch “F.B.A.” (really rare) MCoV Version

  1. 99bajakid

    Haha, i have this song on a mix cd of mine that i made from limwire or maybe even napster. i had it stuck in my head today at random and just needed to listen to it.

  2. derIland

    can someone tell me where i find tabs fpr this song or does anyone have em ..i googled my ass off but coudn’t find anything!

  3. Luci112177

    DAMN THAT WHORE!!!YEAHHHHHH!! This was from the most offensive music contest, Back in the day WAY BEFORE SYNDICATION from WNEW!! Great post man!!!

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