jrynew: "I Know Who Killed Me" is a film that clearly…


“I Know Who Killed Me” is a film that clearly overshoots its level of quality and ultimately dissolves into a giant miscalculation. Director Chris Siverston has big aspirations for a David Lynch/Dario Argento/Brian De Palma style thriller, but his technique emerges without substance or logic and the story is often exploitative and sadistic. It is also quite boring and lacks the campiness or humor that would appeal to the cheesier side of my movie taste.

Lindsay Lohan is doomed from the first fifteen minutes. I understand her desire at the time to shake up her Disney teen queen image, however Aubrey Fleming/Dakota Moss is the kind of role that could sink the most promising career. That this movie dropped at the dawn of her arrests and rehab stints only added to this already perfect storm of cinematic trash.

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