Yelena Shuster: Lindsay Lohan’s 10 Step Plan to Get Your Career Back

1) Pose Half-Naked on a National Magazine Cover

2) Admit Your Prior Coke Dabblings

“I’ve admitted to the things that I’ve done — to, you know, dabbling in certain things and trying things ’cause I was young and curious and thought it was like, OK, ’cause other people were doing it and other people put it in front of me. And I see what happened in my life because of it.”

3) Stop Making Excuses

“I was irresponsible. And I’m not making excuses,” she said.

4) Then Blame Your Friends

“So many people around me would say they cared for the wrong reasons. A lot of people were pulling from me, taking from me and not giving. I had a lot of people that were there for me for, you know, the party.”

5) And Your Youth

“These were my college years . . . but they were in the public eye. I was irresponsible. I was experimenting,” she said. “I was doing certain things that people do 10 times more of when they’re in college.”

6) And Britney Spears

She said tabloids were her main source of news, and calls that “really scary and sad… I would look up to those girls… the Britneys and whatever. And I would be like, I want to be like that.”

7) And Definitely Your Effed Up Dad

“I think everyone has their own addictions and hopefully learns how to get past them,” she said. “I think my biggest focus for myself is learning how to continue to get through the trauma that my father has caused in my life.”

8) Once That’s Out of the Way, Channel Whatever Talent You Had as a Child

“I want my career back,” Lohan continued. “I know that I’m a damn good actress, and it’s been my passion since I was a child, and I know that when I care about something, I put 100 percent and more into it.”

9) Then, Convince Yourself You Hate What You Used To Enjoy

“I want the respect that I had when I was doing great movies. And if that takes not going out to a club at night, then so be it. It’s not fun anyway. I don’t care. It’s the same thing every time.”

10) Finally, Become A Completely Different Person

“I’m a completely different person now,” she said.

This was cross-posted on Ivy Leagued and Unemployed.

Read more: Lindsay Lohan, Lindsay Lohan Vanity Fair, Lindsay Lohan Rehab, Lindsay Lohan Vanity Fair Cover, Lindsay Lohan Vanity Fair Interview, Entertainment News

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