Michael Lohan Drops F-Bomb During Interview With Shepard Smith On Fox News (VIDEO)

A fondness for the f-word may run in the Lohan family.

Days after Lindsay Lohan was caught with “F**k U” painted on her nails and called the judge who sentenced her to jail a “f**king bitch,” dad Michael has dropped the F-bomb on Fox News.

In an interview with Shepard Smith on “Studio B,” Michael Lohan said “fuck” live on air after Smith asked him why he was going on TV and partying on the night his daughter had been sentenced to 90 days in jail.

“I don’t think a lot of parents understand the way you conduct yourself,” Smith said. Referring to pictures of Lohan smiling at a restaurant, he said, “I think a lot of [people] are probably saying, you know, if you’d done half this much to try to help your daughter…”

That’s when Lohan blew up:

“Are you kidding me? Give me a break…you have no right saying that…don’t tell me how much time I spend helping my daughter or going out to eat dinner, or how much time I spend in the fucking gym.”


Read more: Fox News, Lindsay Lohan, Michael Lohan, Studio B, Shepard Smith, Video, Media News

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