Lindsay Lohan: Felony Grand Theft Charges For Jewelry Theft

Right back where we started: Lindsay Lohan is being charged with a felony. Again.

Lohan, who just left three months of rehab, is being charged with Felony Grand Theft for allegedly stealing jewelry from a Los Angeles store last week, TMZ reports. The charges will be filed as early as Monday.

The charges come after the LAPD began to investigate video surveillance that showed her with the necklace in the store, and photos of Lohan a week later showing her wearing a necklace that looks astoundingly similar. After TMZ broke the story about her alleged theft, a Lohan friend returned the necklace to the store.

If she’s guilty, Lohan could face jail time, especially since a conviction would violate the terms of her probation.

Lohan narrowly missed being disciplined for an alleged drunken incident while in rehab, and this new trouble could not only send her back to jail, but scuttle her role in a thinly veiled autobiographical film that was supposed to be her comeback.

For her part, Lohan says that the accusations are “bulls**t” and not to believe them. She says that she “borrowed” the necklace and TMZ says she’ll fight the charges.

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Read more: Lindsay Lohan, Linday Lohan Felony Charges, Lindsay Lohan Rehab, Lindsay Lohan Jewelry Theft, Lindsay Lohan Jewelry Thief, Lindsay Lohan Jail, Entertainment News

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