Lindsay Lohan Falls Into A Cactus, Blames Paparazzi

Lindsay Lohan took a nasty tumble Tuesday night after a night out partying with her friends. She had been at the Trousdale club in West Hollywood earlier and the unfortunate incident took place as she was entering a friend’s house afterward.

You can see a picture of Lindsay’s embarrassing fall here.

Lindsay couldn’t keep her balance in her stilettos, collapsed into a prickly cactus and had to be helped to her feet by photographers. The accident was the perfect storm of aggressive paparazzi and impractical footwear, not the result of her night on the town, she’ll have her fans to know.

“Only I would get pushed into a large, sharp plant by crazy paparazzi!!! I need to start wearing more flats :/” she tweeted Wednesday afternoon.

Read more: Linday Lohan Fall, Lindsay Lohan, Lindsay Lohan Cactus, Entertainment News

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