Kate Major, Lindsay Lohan’s Next Stepmom, Used To Be Her Assistant

Lindsay Lohan didn’t sound too pleased that Jon Gosselin’s ex Kate Major is engaged to her dad, telling Us Weekly “I’m gonna vomit!” But PopEater can tell you exclusively: Kate first met Michael Lohan because she used to be Lindsay’s assistant!

As a fellow celebrity reporter, I have known Kate for years — and in 2008 we worked together at Star Magazine. And I know first-hand that Kate was once a key member of Lindsay’s entourage, serving (either paid or unpaid) as a driver, confidant, an all-purpose factotum.

Read more: Michael Lohan, Lindsay Lohan, Kate Major Lindsay Lohan, Michael-Lohan-Engaged, Michael-Lohan-Kate-Major-Engaged, Kate Major, Entertainment News

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