Happy Birthday LiLo!!

Today our girl celebrates her 23rd birthday! While she had the first of her celebrations in Vegas last weekend, I’m sure there will be something else going on for the big day, throughout this weekend too. With Lindsay, there’s always a party!

Despite the fact that “someone special” wasn’t with her at midnight last night, she did end up coming home with Samantha in the wee hours of the morning. Not only that, it seems that engagement ring is back on her finger too, after a long day of pampering at the local salon – waxing and mani pedis and hair trims and all, then shopped a bit at Maxfield Botique. How do I know? She twittered it all! I do love celebs with no shame.

The paparazzi were feeling the party spirit too, and even sang Happy Birthday as Lilo left the club last night. Sounds like a good time was had by all!

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