Celebrities Support Haiti Relief In Surprising Ways

Many celebrities have spoken out for relief in Haiti, some more eloquently than others.

Natalie Portman has posted a call for support on the website for FINCA, her microfinance charity. She writes:

FINCA Haiti has always held a special place in my heart. Small loans make an enormous impact on the lives of Haitian women currently living on less than $3 a day. And now, more than ever, Haitian women need these capital inputs to help themselves recover from this tragedy in a sustainable way.

As FINCA’s Ambassador of Hope, I am asking for your help. Please help FINCA Haiti provide the resources to our Village Banking clients so they can begin to get back on their feet and build anew. There has rarely been a more urgent need for generosity.

Olivia Wilde is co-founder of Artists for Peace and Justice, a group dedicated to building schools and orphanages in Haiti. Diane Lane, Charlize Theron, Oliver Stone, James Franco Josh Brolin and Mario Bello are all on the advisory board.

“just heard horrible news. at least one of our schools in Haiti collapsed killing all the beautiful children inside. my heart is broken,” Olivia tweeted. “one of our young American volunteers is trapped under the rubble. your dollars will go towards saving her, and countless others.please help.”

She also offers to send a personal video message to anyone who donates $200 to the organization.

Meanwhile Lindsay Lohan urges her fans to support Wyclef Jean’s organization. “Yele haiti now for the disaster. Please do all that you can. Please,” she tweeted.

Lindsay also claims to be repeatedly calling the State Department: “Anyone that may be listening’s attentionCall 1884074747 State Dept for Haitian ReliefPlease help them….. I know I will as much as I can.”

Leave it to Tila Tequila to make the tragedy about herself.

“Each disaster on earth is no longer “MOTHER NATURE” but it is all in the book leading to the world ending. Humans have become EVIL and CRUEL,” she tweeted. “I am only ONE person who has ALWAYS tried her best to make the world a better place. To stand up for ppl. I am God’s Angel sent down 2 watch.”

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Read more: Olivia Wilde Haiti, Lindsay Lohan, Haiti Relief, Wyclef Jean, Haiti, Haiti Earthquake, Celebrity Haiti Relief, Lindsay Lohan Haiti, Natalie Portman, Natalie Portman Haiti, Tila Tequila, Celebrity Haiti, Entertainment News

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