YUCK!!! Lindsay Lohan Nakedd in Playboy!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!

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25 Responses

  1. ambuenviaje says:

    awesome ms. piggy voice

  2. apeman939 says:

    God he has a way with words. i hope i never piss him off haha

  3. Purpleluvaable says:

    one two three… NO ONE!! XD

  4. Chianna328 says:

    thumbs up for us all raising money to NOT see L.Lohan naked!!!

  5. dianafeiteira says:


  6. YoItsCARMEN says:

    Demi and Wilmer … LOOOL I don’t think Demi would ever date him. He’s a friend, ok. But … boyfriend? Uummhhh. Hey girl hey, stay strong. 😛

  7. emon377 says:

    666 video lol

  8. fraikczabella says:


  9. Teachersfavstudent says:

    kim kardashian was already in a movie… disaster movie..

  10. coralcutie88 says:

    you should sit on the other side of the screen for a changee(((: LOVE YOU BUCKK

  11. kmc050909 says:

    “Start selling Mary Kay!” LMAO!!!!!!!!!! I love you Buck.

  12. deserttiger22 says:

    @WHATTHEBUCKSHOW: you know there’s alot of straight guys out there who like the sight of a naked woman, not all of us are craving for a dick

  13. chaosrusher says:

    i do

  14. Arienna1993 says:

    I rather see Lindsay…….

  15. AlyAttackMakeup says:

    I have wanted to tell Dina Lohan off like that for years!!! You go buck!!!!!

  16. HollyWoodDivine says:

    Sadly, I’d rather see Lindsay’s trapper keeper :/

  17. kryptonitewhale says:

    HEY. There’s nothing wrong with freckled tits.

  18. xgroovysmoothie says:

    I wish Lindsay would go back to her natural red

  19. anumkhan1991 says:

    i love your videos! u always make me smile! and i love how hyper u are <3 <3 <3

  20. rawrrawr5 says:

    i fucking love you Buck! your hilarious!

  21. EnderDragon says:

    I have to correct you Mr. Buckley. Being a movie star and being in a movie are two very different things. She might be in a movie, but that whore is not a star. I’d love to see the pre-druggie, hot redhead Lindsey Lohan.

  22. TheRealKateLowe says:

    i love you buck lol i laughed my ass off at this video

  23. limergreenlover says:

    my mom just walked into the room and wanted to know why the creepy gay guy was screaming at me . bahaha !

  24. niahmiyoki says:

    lol it’s “Nah-po-lee”, Italian for Naples. It rhymes with “happily”, so like, Happily Ever After, Napoli Ever After.

  25. KarleyIsAvrilsNo1Fan says:

    LMAO “Start selling Mary Kay!” XD