Worst Paparazzi Encounter: Lindsay Lohan

This is her everyday life in her world. Poor Lindsay !

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25 Responses

  1. Denis Buckley says:

    F*****g celebrities are only people like everyone else why do papparazzi
    care about them??

  2. Marcus Lee says:

    Ok it’s no wonder she went to drugs to escape… If I were her… It would
    have been that way… Or I would be in jail for murdering all of them. ?

  3. Alli says:

    paparazzi should be illegal. Its so disgusting. Harassment to the fullest. ?

  4. David Lambert says:

    scummy leaches……….?

  5. Jill MG says:

    oh poorrrrr her?

  6. Nicolas Tejeda says:

    Estuviste cerquita de Lindsay Lohan ?

  7. Annie Sacher says:

    let her breath!..?

  8. GeoMcEvan says:

    And people wonder why she’s so fucked up.?

  9. Adrian Mtz says:

    Tienes razon ! Que pena que sea un “trabajo”. Hasta yo ya estoy cansado de
    ver esta situacion… prefiero estar en mi querido Teloloapan para
    descansar un poco de esta bulla. Como ven?

  10. JoannaLouisiana says:

    hollywood is outta control..

  11. Drivanavulau Samila says:

    poor lindsay……

  12. Shit says:

    Q vergon vivir a la par de una celebridad

  13. Adrian Mtz says:

    @reydeplata Ya no… yo creo que ni yo tampoco, como vez?

  14. Dj Ricardo Mix says:

    jajajaja tu fuiste el que grito cuidado con mi camioneta ?!!! Chido paisa
    yo tambien soy de Telo ….saludos desde houston lo hubieras mandado a
    escandalo tv o a primer impacto ..jajajajaja

  15. zee69iraq says:

    fuck this life i would rather live in a middle class than ritch with this
    kind of life cameras everywhere and shit,thats why they all do drugs
    because they cant do shit in their life but stay home and do some coc

  16. Adrian Mtz says:

    YEP !

  17. ammarlionking says:

    she was great in Mean Girls and i wish all the plastics were again featured
    on the 2nd one their not!

  18. Empower Me says:

    Dude look at that..she can’t even walk without covering her face with her
    hand because all of those cameras up in her grill…don’t know how these
    celebrities handle that shit because I know there is no way hell i could, I
    would go ape shit

  19. RyanPerson says:

    Who gives a shit what they should or shouldnt do? When does she show off in

  20. SagittariusGurl1285 says:

    Wow thats crazy…Now I see why these celebrities get so aggravated and
    attacking the papparazzi…they seriously need to lay off a little cuz
    thats ridiculous

  21. ImCharlie G says:

    aahhh i hateee paparazzisss !!

  22. Guilly Lopez says:


  23. Bob Greg says:

    Scum bags jobless fucks go die

  24. Bryan Vinicius says:


  25. baloolatin says:

    oh hahaha i like this video… hehehe.. its fun.. i like her