Why Lindsay Lohan Says She Wanted to Go to Jail – Oprah’s Next Chapter – Oprah Winfrey Network

Subscribe to OWN: http://bit.ly/18Lz0rV On July 6, 2010, actress Lindsay Lohan appeared in court for violating probation after missing alcohol counseling ses…

25 thoughts on “Why Lindsay Lohan Says She Wanted to Go to Jail – Oprah’s Next Chapter – Oprah Winfrey Network

  1. singingstar56

    At first when all this stuff was going on with her I thought she was nuts and I didn’t like her.? But after hearing her side of the story she really see,,s

  2. hertin57

    All i have to say is that shes a strong woman. She walk through? her problems. Some ppl would probably commit suicide but she didnt she fought the demons out from her. Good job Lindsay now go back to making those millions n enjoy your life.

  3. Danielle Carter

    After watching the full interview and seeing how genuine and? honest she was, I’m really rooting for her! I especially like that she didn’t really blame anyone but herself. She acknowledged that there were people that influenced her, but overall she took full responsibility.

  4. m44hane90

    i feel? so bad for her, nobody should ever be mean to a person like this, they are in a very fragile state and one stab could make them crack for good

  5. mamamialove

    I have been praying for Lindsay for years…there is something special about her. A depth that I don’t see in other stars that seem , from the outside , to have their act together. I believe in my heart…great people, big hearted people, talented people , really spiritual people seem to go through harder? testing…in life..because they have so much more to give…God bless you Lindsay.

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