Why Lindsay Lohan Says Her Trust Issues Stem from Childhood – Lindsay – Oprah Winfrey Network

Subscribe to OWN: http://bit.ly/18Lz0rV After looking at 10 apartments in New York, Lindsay Lohan has found one she likes and is ready to move out of her hot…

25 thoughts on “Why Lindsay Lohan Says Her Trust Issues Stem from Childhood – Lindsay – Oprah Winfrey Network

  1. Cris del Rosario

    i am glad she did this, it made everything so clear as those who simply
    tells a lie story instead of the truth. why can these people mind their own
    business and move on with their life. she a very good actress with talents
    that most of us cannot do but she doesn’t deserve being treated as a
    criminal. we all go through bad stitutation and we’re never made perfect. ?

  2. Dunam

    These two yes men that are employed by her, are not actually supporting her
    by agreeing with everything she says and telling her what she wants to

  3. closetolast

    Oh..OH OH. Did she just relate her letting agent being busy enough to not
    be stuck up her ass 24/7 to being abandoned by her father?
    I have been watching various clips of this show trying to find one
    redeeming, down-to-earth feature in this woman-child. There is nothing.
    She’s been ruined. There is no hope for her; not because she is a bad
    person, but because she has been so contaminated with ‘yes men’ and scabby,
    self-serving parenting that she literally doesn’t recognise common human
    traits like empathy, humility and selflessness. She THINKS she is all of
    these things.. and she plays them out like a script, inserting appropriate
    emotion and line wherever she knows they fit- but it all comes back around
    to self. The most vom thing about this clip is that the little gimp seems
    to be most aware that he wins brownie points by reciting Lohan’s inner
    monologue to her. He probably does it all the time. Lohan hears her inner
    concerns about herself being vocalised by people whom she believes care for
    her BECAUSE they appear to be as concerned about her small melodrama’s as
    she is, and she rewards them with association.. and so her tiny world
    turns. ?

  4. kiwe1008

    We are all responsible for our own emotions and feelings. No one else
    should take the blame for deficiencies in our life. “I can’t because he
    didn’t” should never be our focus. Everyone has difficulties, some worse
    than others, but we need to choose to rise above and make decisions to make
    our own lives better. ?

  5. Angela Netherton

    I think Lindsay would play wonder woman well.Justcolor her hair black.Im
    serious they ever done a remake or made a movie about her I think Lindsay
    would play it well and look really good doing it..just my opinion.?

  6. vivalachelsea

    First world problems. I get that she’s a real person, with real addiction
    issues, but suck it up. If your worst problem is living in a fancy NYC
    hotel, and establishing a regular work out routine….you are very, very
    lucky. ?

  7. Jaime Tubito

    I’m a natural red head and it is very hard for me because a lot of red
    heads are not pretty Lindsay is famous and beautiful ten times harder for
    her. Red heads are so different every body especially men want to see .but
    when you do .well u have to be a member?

  8. Gracie Bradford

    she says she hates it when people lie to her and dont follow through… but
    thats all she has ever done to the people shes worked with. Even for this
    docuseries…. she was late for every single shooting, and she cancels
    appointments after she is late for them! She is such a childstar product
    she cant even look in the mirror and realize that she has become everything
    she dislikes in others.?

  9. joanofarc33

    She looks like a middle-aged woman from Bensonhurst married to some mob
    husband. She sounds like the one of Marge Simpson’s sisters with that raspy
    smoker’s voice. How old is she again? Watching this you just know Lindsay
    is done. All she’ll ever be is some freakish tabloid celebrity, never an
    actress, never a star. ?

  10. Strawn149

    Was she really just calling someone out for not keeping their word and not
    having integrity? The fact that she can have this in indignant reaction to
    someone else not being reliable and not doing their job is truly ironic. ?

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