Was Lindsay Lohan Really Assaulted by a Former GOP Aide?

Another weekend, another Lindsay Lohan police situation. Lohan claims a man she had just met at a nightclub in New York City assaulted her at a hotel afterparty when she confronted him about photos he had taken of her on his phone. Lohan accused the man, Christian LaBella, of choking her, throwing her to the ground, and climbing on top of her. A former congressional aide, LaBella was arrested for assault and harassment, though the charges have since been dropped. Still, photos of LaBella with other luminaries like Kim Kardashian and vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan dominated celebrity news over the weekend. Lohan’s publicist expressed outrage that the police let LaBella go, saying, “We think it’s both distressing and outrageous. Lindsay was assaulted and there needs to be a consequence for that.”

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8 Responses

  1. Showinbulge says:

    Christian LaBella is an opportunist and was a joke on Capital Hill. All of his interest lied in getting his photo taken with “people” for his personal social sites. He spent his entire time primping and trying to rub elbows with “important” people. All he wants is to be famous. Honestly, all of Capital Hill? knew he was a big ‘ole Queen.

  2. vigo894 says:

    Her stupid father is blaming her friends. Michael,? your daughter’s real friends got sick of her and left long ago. Shit, what a stupid man.

  3. PERIZ99 says:

    Christian LaBella is a celebrity wannabe. He’s been alleged to be? a real asshole.

  4. SinAviid says:

    If? she is a victim of assault, then she should be taken seriously as one.

  5. bluefly28 says:

    mind? controlled lizard

  6. pivotkid85 says:

    choked her, threw her to the ground,? and jumped on top of her. over a photo on a phone.

  7. Kiba Bloodfang says:

    I don’t doubt this? guy really went psycho on Lohan.

  8. airnesd says:
