Want Frankie, Need Frankie, Love Frankie

Watch in High Quality It’s all Frankie Dancing, just with Different hairstyles … Frankie Donjae Dancing Lindsay Lohan Want you to me Lauren Deamer Danielle Alexandria Jon Asher John Hock Drew Deviation Boy Boys Naked Penis

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25 Responses

  1. roku7000 says:

    i love it when frankie dances =)

  2. StewgrickFoSho says:

    ?nEeD FrAnKiE wAnT FrAnKiE lOvE FrAnKiE???
    ….gOtTa hAvE FrAnKiE!!

  3. CitrusBish says:

    lol now johnhocks dancing his way in prison

  4. dirtbikecrazy272 says:

    i want u 2 want me by linsey lohan

  5. LayDxM says:

    0:21 & 1:21 <3 xD

  6. natalieandhaileyshow says:

    wat is this song?!?!?!

  7. kvejfi says:

    sexxual Eruption – _CELEBRITYUTUBE_._COM_

  8. JeterPaulusLover says:

    This is hilarous &; Frankies adorable <3

  9. ashlee13arr says:

    hahahah 🙂 i love thisss!

  10. StewgrickFoSho says:

    best vid ever! i luv frankie!

  11. emoemusareawesome says:

    i luv ure dancing…and that song is fucking catchy…oh,and ur hott i <3 ur hair

  12. emoemusareawesome says:

    My god, your dancing is so fucking hot. . . just like you. 🙂

  13. sktebrdgrl says:

    i love yooh frankie!! xDD

  14. drpepper1029 says:

    Frankie makes me smile so much. (:

  15. jjorrdann says:

    Hahh you’re hilarious and awesome! Love you xD

  16. beccasaursgorawr says:

    ‘666 ratings’
    Omg frankie o:


  17. UwutangU says:

    where the fuck are connor and devon!!

  18. puregirl91 says:

    i’ve never seen a guy have soo many looks as him!

  19. ManicBoii39 says:

    gosh he pisses me off….
    make more connie and dev’ vids…
    frankie better not take over X(

  20. SAIGEpaige says:

    owow ! hes hot! O_o!!!!!!!

  21. KevStarTrain says:

    where does he live? i noticed he had an OU shirt on in the car.

  22. kasstrillcore says:

    yeah dude, they’re all frankie. just because he has long hair doesn’t mean anything, lawl. they were just taken at different times in his life. ie. his hair was different.

  23. tyzabeau says:

    was that john hock?

  24. ytgebr says:

    Too hot, too famous…_CELEBRITYUTUBE_._COM_

  25. bntclick says:

    haha..lol…….well yall r both hott..me and my friend watched yall’s other videos…and shes in luv wid da 1 that has longer hair den “frankie”…but i still think frankie is hott=)

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