VMA commercial on MuchMusic

VMA commercial on MuchMusic – Live on Stage … Tokio Hotel Rihanna Miley Cyrus TI Lindsey Lohan VMA MuchMusic Katy Perry

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25 Responses

  1. pipez20 says:

    much es un canal aliado de mtv¡¡¡much estrena un video y al otro dia mtv lo estrena en el caso de los latinoamericanos(if u seek amy de britney spears)much lo estreno y al otro dia lo estreno mtv asi es por si no lo sabias.

  2. cutieful says:

    thanx teddancin1
    love paramore

  3. teddancin1 says:

    Crush Crush Crush by Paramore

  4. toxikrik says:

    pense que much era competencia de mtv

  5. cutieful says:

    whats the song from 0:04-0:10 secs

  6. LEXUSINUKI says:

    Stupid question

  7. laurenaxox says:

    OMG!! I was in that commercial!! hahaha
    When they say Zac Efron I’m the girl laughing on the left!! 😀

  8. AmorexoxBacio says:

    good job boys 😀 i lovee you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUSTAV! I hope i getto talk to you guys again soon, do another autograph thing in jersey 😀


    Shad Shad oura em ! 😛
    MSN ouniss?

  10. 11lupin11 says:

    WoW it going to be exausting this night here it starts at 2am and finishes at 6am XD but on the bright side school havent started yet here in Malta and i can sleep till night afterwards lol… Wow i wish theyd win at least something it would be so cool and my finger would be so happy cause i spent each day 2 hours a day voting till it closed the voting :/ So my fingure really hurts but i hope its worth it xD

  11. engelfuerbill says:

    wow… tokio htoel live.. that’s great…. but i have to stay up till 2 a.m. … and then the pre-show begins… and it’s over at 5 a.m. … and at 7 a.m. i have to stand up for school o.O
    that’s not good… i’m going to be so tired….
    why can’t they send this show on a saturday ?? =(

  12. AchiK2007 says:

    Ha! es el em Tokio Hotelin shat siroum!! <333

  13. XxTokioXHotel4everxX says:

    When and how late is it…
    Stupid question, i know…

  14. THxGirliex says:


  15. xRescueMe says:

    maybe a stupid question but when is it going to be on tv?
    i read somewhere this sunday but i’m not sure :S
    thanks anyway 😛

  16. Tahnetouge says:

    NO WAY!!! Tokio Hotel Live on Stage!!!

  17. greenpomello says:

    tokio hotel <3 i hope they win one

  18. animes5423 says:

    TH and JB are the best ^^ I love BIIILLLL

  19. SaraSaharaSarah says:

    i love you britney <3

  20. sterben483 says:

    Tokio Hotel THE BEST =)

  21. Tokista says:

    Tokio Hotellllllllllllllll

    Great news.

  22. daniel00919 says:

    mtv aprovecha al maximo la popularidad positiva y negativa que britney tiene… todos quieren ver a britney para amarla o odiarla… yo te amo britney da lo mejor de vos!!!

  23. xRWTYx says:

    Tokio Hotel performing ?
    I like that, but what song are they going to perform? They already did Monsoon on the EMA’s.. Maybe Ready, Set, Go! But honestly.. I think Bill can’t sing that song perfect in English

  24. panosgreek1991 says:

    britney!!! yes!!

  25. Dogz1985 says:

    Tokio Hotel yeah..

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