Video of Lohan Leaving Store With Necklace Aired

Lindsay Lohan is shown in surveillance video broadcast Monday texting and trying on multiple pieces of jewelry in front of a clerk in a Southern California store that has accused her of stealing a 00 necklace. (March 7)

25 thoughts on “Video of Lohan Leaving Store With Necklace Aired

  1. macllovin

    I think the next time she does somthing dumb just send her straight to jail because she just does not understand…… I have nothing against her I like her movies but she needs help the judges can’t keep giving her bail because she knows she has money to pay it off pretty soon it will be Lindsay WHO???

  2. danielcooper1000

    @joevil2025 The judge stated that media should join CIA. If that is true then why don’t they report on the bribes to that judge. the judges were exposed for taking bribes (SEE STURGEON VS LOS ANGELS COUNTY and SBX211) once the judges were exposed for taking money from the tax payers of L.A. county they paid a lobbyiest to pass senate bill SBX211 that granted them retro active immunity for taking the bribes.

  3. rleary1

    Nice tits & camera positioning! I remember Lindsay growing from a beautiful young girl into a 40ish year old lady. I do wish her well tho but I’m really tired of hearing about her lately. Lindsay is still beautiful but I’d like her to deflate her lips at least down to 35 PSI. She looks ‘too ducky’ for my taste. Still hot tho.

  4. grubelsucht

    @lisamaria1972 Yes, I must have the optimism of a 12-year-old by daring to think a sardonic turn of phrase would entertain intellectuals like YouTubers.

  5. joevil2025

    @bg11215 nope, just saying she basically deserves to sympathy what so ever if/when she’s “arrested” moron

    nothing up there says “im the victim look at me”

    in fact by choice of posts it seems you sir are the attention hoar here

  6. bg11215

    @joevil2025 So bascially you are casting yourself as a victim. Amazing. BOO HOO. POOR LITTLE YOU. Your life is soooo difficult. WAAH WAAHH WAAH WAAHH WAAHH WAAHH WAAHH WAAHH.

    Stop your whining and complaining.

  7. lisamaria1972

    @grubelsucht well $2500 is not cheap and she stole it and should face the same consequences as everyone else. She put herself through one is out to get her…she is a junkie thief. You must be about 12 years old because only a 12 year old little girl would think the way you do.

  8. BlackKingX

    @zrah1092 To vote the video down and say I don’t give a fuck. I thought it was OBVIOUS. Didn’t even watch the video. Just commented.

  9. grubelsucht

    Why can’t people quit persecuting Lindsay? Why do they put her to so much trouble for some damned cheap trinket and other petty things. Leave Lindsay alone!

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