Valet Damages Lindsay Lohan’s Maserati.

Valet Damages Lindsay Lohan’s Maserati At Cecconi’s in West Hollywood. 05 05 09 — Follow us on TWITTER at

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25 Responses

  1. fallingphoenix14 says:

    paparazzi are the lowest forms of life. below shit-throwing monkeys. below amoeba. even below shit-eating bacteria. fuck em.

  2. dave997 says:

    i bet u they dont tell her

  3. Gnarkill0133 says:

    lol i would have ran the camera guys over and say they damaged it, they wouldn’t move so it would be their fault for being morons

  4. MrBili1994 says:

    Search “Happy Rob Buy” by google ,and you will find amazing.

  5. hollywoodjayvee1986 says:

    i love lindsay lohan!

  6. MrSushan says:

    Search “Happy Rob Buy” by google ,and you will find amazing.

  7. tyb323 says:

    oh my god he got dirt on it, lets say he “damaged” it to attract more viewers to our bs videos

  8. VioletClub says:

    More useless footage.

  9. ShutYourTheistYap says:

    The only thing that would have made this better is if the valet ran over the paparazzi AND Lindsay at the same time. Then closeups of them being scraped off the tires with a putty knife.

  10. RaiderHater729 says:

    Fuck that bitch and her car. She swings from my nuts.

  11. jflg1 says:


  12. bhmh65 says:

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  14. ignuz says:

    Lol paparazzi.. The rats of society.

    Only they could enjoy following the lives of everyone else, rather than doing something about their own.

  15. Chick6517 says:

    yes this was a great video i really enjoyed watching this video it made me laugh and i really have to say it was very intertaining

  16. talibanking says:


  17. 0V3CHKiN says:

    I know you can buy whatever you want if you have the money, but Lohan doesn’t deserve to drive a Maserati.

  18. AmericanKnowItAll says:

    West Hollywood?

    Thats not damage…THATS JISM from faggots blowing strangers while kneeling in fron of her car.

    Lohan is the new Liza Minelli in their eyes!


  19. br0wn0ise says:

    these vids r poor

  20. marlie8 says:

    *gasp* theirs dirt on her car! how dare they? wow.. serously. whats the big deal?

  21. Mejoli832 says:

    how the f can she be poor

  22. diva2072 says:

    come on wats the point of taking photos of dirt on the car…!ASS!

  23. laviniarzz says:

    ouchh that suckss! and she’s poor now too! she should sure their ass!

  24. gigouza says:

    Isn’t she supposed to be poor????????????????

  25. jaime21985 says:

    OMG its just dirt!!!!!!!!!!!!

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