Uncle Jay Explains: Mar. 16, 2009

Ah, spring. Our lawns turn green as our money turns brown. The days get longer, patience gets shorter. But thank goodness, Lindsay Lohan and Anna Nicole Smith are back in the news! Uncle Jay explains it all. … Jon Stewart Jim Cramer CNBC Michelle Obama Comedy Central Earmarks Madoff Ponzi Lindsay Lohan Bailout

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25 Responses

  1. IthacaBroker09 says:

    best and perhaps most important one yet.

  2. SarahberryKitten says:

    Omg. Wouldn’t it be so funny and AWESOME if Uncle Jay had a little segment on CNN?

  3. redpod says:

    When you find something this good you want to share it with everyone. I want everyone in the world to watch Uncle Jay. Uncle Jay needs a better agent.

  4. imperialfleet1 says:

    UncleJay, this one is definitely in your top ten funniest ever. As usual, the accompanying artwork is one of a kind hilarious.

  5. empireking14 says:

    so true

  6. DancyPantz says:

    It is like going to the mailbox and finding that the special item you ordered is in there and you can’t wait to open it. That is how I feel every time I get a notice that a new video of the week is available. WOW!!! I love you.

  7. onemantwodogs says:

    Thanks Uncle Jay. Whatever would we doo withoutchoo?

  8. caraphyllis says:

    Even the Pope is imperfekt? NOOOOOOO!

  9. JustAnUpTownGirl says:

    Hits the nail on the head once again. Love the Clowns!!

  10. zo1dberg says:

    Fantastic! 5 stars and favourited!

    I’m pretty sure they just produce export milk from rats – just like what they use for the school kids’ milk in the Simpsons 🙂


  11. Jkkim7 says:

    DUDE your soooo right!

  12. twilightrockersbf says:

    lol pretty hard to do but yup it just may be

  13. Muffintasticness says:

    D’OH oh, bacon.

  14. Thisistrue says:

    The “poison our food” line = 5 stars for me. It’s hard to get me to LOL, but that did it!

  15. 73cupcake says:


  16. kazekagegaarasama says:

    Yeah. ‘Cause they keep selling to us. xD

  17. Janet1968 says:

    Luv ya Uncle Jay!

  18. donniegoo says:

    Makes perfect sense to me. Smooch!

  19. DarcPrynce says:

    So apparently China’s government is even more insane than ours? :o)

  20. jantheempress says:

    Now i undrestand impreferckt! Sorta

  21. Luvbeags says:

    Thanks uncle jay 😉

  22. berper1996 says:

    “which is why they are poisoning our food!”

    he sounds so happy…


  23. Larcurmo says:

    1:40 – Guns!!! lol

  24. Ullygirldk says:

    lolxD wtf!

  25. postmarvi says:

    muy bien tio Jay…

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