25 thoughts on “Ugly Betty Season 3 Promo #2 – New Footage

  1. lanevsky

    yeah October 2009, it’s true, here in Mexico the same happens, because the series has just started to be transmited on air last year, season 2 is starting here (at last), so until october season 3 will be aired, :S

  2. magicbaby44

    october 2009!?!?!?! that’s ridiculous!!

    also, gossip girl series 2 started in america in sept, and we don’t get it until like febuary! such a joke!

    oh and also, which one was the original betty la fea? the columbia one? and who was betty’s daniel, i mean, was he called daniel or…

  3. 123myto

    OCTOBER 2009 I CANT WAIT (for it to come out in UK) it looks really good i wish they did it sooner though why wait 10 months!!!

  4. Mendocini

    Maybe we could see Betty and Daniel kissing in this season, well at least accidentally or maybe in Betty’s dreams, as Daniel had weird dream about Betty last season, why she shouldn’t have dream about kissing Daniel. That would be fun:)

  5. 19931409

    i cant wait its gonna be realy cool and i like wilhelmina with long hair plus she is wearing a black shirt rather than white silver or gold wich is her regular.

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